cook vt. 1.烹调,煮,烧(食物)。 2.〔口语〕虚报,窜改(账目等),捏造(报告等)。 3.〔美俚〕损坏,破坏。 4.〔英俚〕(热得)使发昏,使筋疲力竭。 5.〔俚语〕给…上电刑。 cook food 做饭。 be cooked alive in the tropics 在热带地方热得像活活被火烤似的。 cook accounts 伪造账目。 vi. 1.(食物)在煮[烧]着。 2.做饭,做菜;当厨师。 3.〔美口〕发生。 What's cooking at the station 车站上出了什么事? The dinner is cooking. 晚餐正在做。 cook off (火药包、炮弹等因过热而)走火。 cook sb.'s goose 〔俚语〕破坏某人的计划,使某人彻底失败[完蛋]。 cook up 捏造;炮制;〔美国〕计划,图谋(cook up a report 捏造报告)。 cook well 容易煮(Eggs cook well. 鸡蛋容易煮熟)。 sb.'s goose is cooked 某人的计划[前途,名誉等]已完蛋。 n. 1.厨子;厨娘。 2.(工业、技术上的)煮制过程。 a cold cook 〔俚语〕做殡仪馆生意的人。 Too many cooks spoil the broth. 厨子多了煮坏汤。 n. 库克〔姓氏〕。
Ron Cook (born 1948) is an English actor who has been active in the theatre, film and television since the 1970s. He is from South Shields, County Durham, England and is a graduate of Rose Bruford College.